Santa’s elf delivered all of Sherman’s owner and Sherman’s presents up North, so I sent them down South. I just got an e-mail that they both love their Christmas presents. Sherman got a big nylabone like what Rocky got, a Busy Buddy toy, which is a lot like a kong, but is somewhat stronger. Healthy blueberry dog treats that smell amazing for dog treats.
Sherman’s partner got homemade chocolate chip cookies and they got a bags on board dispenser with bags for both of them to use.
Sherman apparently knew right away that there was something for him in the box. According his owner he went back and forth chewing on his bone to playing with his toy, and entertained himself for hours. Sherman’s person loved the cookies, they actually turned out a lot better than I thought they would (Santa’s elf is not much of a baker, except for dog treats!) He also loved the bags on board holder can attach to your leash so you never leave home without a bag.

[ from left to right: a blue bag of natural choice blueberry treats, a green toy that looks like a kong, but is a squirrel, a big nylabone with a knot on both ends, a clear bag of chocolate chips cookies tied with a green ribbon, some bags on board refills and a red fire hydrant bag holder. Everything is on a red blanket]
I am also glad to know they are surviving the cold (although compared to what we are getting, I might need to move down there!)

Sherman and his partner are very lucky to have you in their life!